Überfachliches Qualifizierungsangebot

Ergänzend zu Ihrer wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit im Rahmen der Promotion bieten wir Ihnen am PK NRW zusätzliche Möglichkeiten der überfachlichen Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung. In unseren (Online-)Workshops können promovierende Mitglieder ihre persönlichen, akademischen und beruflichen Kompetenzen weiter ausbauen. Dabei werden sie von erfahrenen Trainer*innen unterstützt.

Informieren Sie sich hier über unsere Angebote.

Where (not) to publish - How to identify predatory publishers


In the past ten to fifteen years, some changes have taken place in publishing. However, for every scientist it is still important to make science visible, to share and discuss results even under changing conditions. Unfortunately, however, there are also some dubious players in the field of science journals who circumvent current standards in order to maximise their profits. The term "predatory publishing" is used to describe the way in which research results are published without complying with the defined quality assurance measures.

The seminar will introduce you to techniques on how to identify dubious providers of journals and conferences. Within the course of this seminar participants will increase their sensitivity towards dubious offers. Moreover we will discuss what challenges are associated with Open Access publications.

Target group

The module is aimed at doctoral candidates of all departments (both H-BRS and PK NRW) but is extended to PhD supervisors who would like to catch up on recent developments in publishing.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung

Dr. Susanne Buch, Anna Nick, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Herpers

Dr. Susanne Buch is Head of Research Services/Research Data Management at the H-BRS University Library. As an RDM scout, she also develops services and offers for researchers throughout NRW. Her colleague Anna Nick also works at the university library in the area of research services / specialist information for researchers. Prof. Dr. Rainer Herpers, Director of the Graduate Institute and the Institute of Visual Computing, will share his experience in publishing and present practical examples.