
Hier finden Sie ältere Termin- und Veranstaltungsankündigungen aus dem PK NRW, seinen Abteilungen und den Trägerhochschulen zum Nachlesen.

Good Scientific Practice

Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis


The workshop gives a review of the guidelines for good scientific practice as well as the handling of scientific misconduct. Common conflicts and gray areas of questionable scientific practice are introduced.

Learning objectives

  • Identification of challenges and characteristics of good scientific practice
  • Dealing with scientific misconduct
  • Safe handling of supervision, data management, and authorship
  • Clarification of the ombudssystem

In this workshop, the participants are introduced to the guidelines for good scientific practice and discuss their application in scientific research. We will discuss the handling of scientific misconduct, questionable scientific practice, and rule breaking. Moreover, you will learn about the ombudssystem.

Evaluation note

In this workshop an evaluation will take place.