
Hier finden Sie ältere Termin- und Veranstaltungsankündigungen aus dem PK NRW, seinen Abteilungen und den Trägerhochschulen zum Nachlesen.

Publishing and presenting in English

Learning Objectives

During their doctoral studies, the majority of students face the question: Should I publish in English? Or do I actually have to, because it is expected of me?

This workshop will precisely address this issue: When should I publish in English and when should I rather not? In addition and to prepare you for your own publications in English, related topics like what to consider when planning a publication in English and presentation techniques are also discussed.


1. Publishing in English

  • Should I publish in English?
  • Planning a publication in English
  • Characteristics of a good academic writing style

2. Presenting in English

  • Presentation techniques

Sandra Bolesch

Sandra Bolesch is currently doing her doctorate at Fachhochschule Dortmund. She also works in the International Office and has gained experience in conducting English-speaking workshops for international students in collaboration with the Career Service at Fachhochschule Dortmund.