
Aktuelle Termin- und Veranstaltungsankündigungen aus dem PK NRW, seinen Abteilungen und den Trägerhochschulen.

All the World’s a Stage – Effective Conference Posters and Presentations


This one-day workshop offers young scientists strategies, techniques, and tips for presenting themselves and their research in an effective and professional way on international conference stages.

Learning Outcomes

  • Features of professional presentations in English
  • Giving unprepared and prepared informal and formal presentations, and receiving feedback
  • Chairing conference sessions
  • Common errors in English at the workplace: on-the-spot language feedback
  • Planning steps for going to a conference

Evaluation note: In this workshop an evaluation will take place.

Dr. Vera Leberecht

Dr. Vera Leberecht studied German, Intercultural Communication and Protestant Theology in Germany and Finland and received her doctorate for a thesis on communication in university consultation hours. After several years as a lecturer and later head of the English department in the Language Center at Maastricht University, she became self-employed in 2008 as a trainer and coach for meaningful writing and working in science and beyond.