Überfachliches Qualifizierungsangebot

Ergänzend zu Ihrer wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit im Rahmen der Promotion bieten wir Ihnen am PK NRW zusätzliche Möglichkeiten der überfachlichen Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung. In unseren (Online-)Workshops können promovierende Mitglieder ihre persönlichen, akademischen und beruflichen Kompetenzen weiter ausbauen. Dabei werden sie von erfahrenen Trainer*innen unterstützt.

Informieren Sie sich hier über unsere Angebote.

Effective Time Management for Doctoral Researchers

Learning Outcomes

Completing the dissertation project quickly, well structured and with high quality - that's what doctoral students want. However, it is not easy to achieve this goal. Time is always running out, you get distracted by side issues, are constantly disturbed, lose motivation, forget important things due to time pressure...

This interactive workshop provides doctoral candidates with a useful orientation on methods, tools and techniques and gives many helpful hints on time planning and self management.

The following topics will be covered:

  • Analyzing your personal time management performance
  • Recognizing your time wasters and reducing disruptions
  • Getting things done efficiently, e.g. with the Pareto principle
  • Planning time sensibly your to-do-lists (ALPEN method)
  • Setting priorities and preventing stress (Eisenhower matrix)
  • Communicate purposefully with the doctoral supervisor

    Participants' wishes and questions will be asked in advance of the seminar.


Partner and group work, individual work, check lists , individual assessment, presentations from the instructor.

Dr. Valerie Wolf

Dr Valerie Wolf has been active for over ten years as an expert, consultant and lecturer on topics relating to doctoral studies. She specialises in doctoral planning, time and self-management, networks, crises during the doctoral period, doing a doctorate with a child, funding, career paths within and outside the university. She has been working in science management at the University of Cologne since 2011, currently as head of the Innovation and Knowledge Transfer department.

Dr Valerie Wolf studied and completed her doctorate in literature, musicology and pedagogy at the University of Cologne, Washington University in St. Louis (USA) and the Conservatoire National Supérieure de Paris. She is the author and co-editor of the UniWiND publication ‘Perspektiven nach der Promotion. Berufswege außerhalb der Wissenschaft’ (2018) as well as various academic articles in specialist journals, particularly in German studies.