Überfachliches Qualifizierungsangebot

Ergänzend zu Ihrer wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit im Rahmen der Promotion bieten wir Ihnen am PK NRW zusätzliche Möglichkeiten der überfachlichen Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung. In unseren (Online-)Workshops können promovierende Mitglieder ihre persönlichen, akademischen und beruflichen Kompetenzen weiter ausbauen. Dabei werden sie von erfahrenen Trainer*innen unterstützt.

Informieren Sie sich hier über unsere Angebote.

Ethics and Responsibility in Science and Society


This workshop teaches doctoral candidates normative and ethical standards for scientific research and provides access to the philosophical foundations of ethical discourses related to research.

Participants learn about the work of ethics commissions (KEF) and deal with the challenges of security-relevant research using guidelines (Leopoldina, DFG). They learn how to apply the underlying rules and norms for scientific research to questions of the ethical responsibility of researchers.

Doctoral candidates are made aware of possible ethically relevant consequences of their own scientific work. They are encouraged to reflect on how they deal with research methods and results and to reflect on the responsibility they bear as researchers towards society.

Learning Objectives:

  • Knowledge and critical classification of various approaches, discourses and framings on ethics and responsibility in science and society
  • Knowledge of various questions on ethics and individual or social responsibility in the context of science and scientific work
  • Practice in weighing up complex issues and interdisciplinary discussions Acceptance of ambiguity and reflection on individual design options


  • Seminar with individual preparation and input
  • Pleum discussion and work in small groups
  • Systematic feedback
  • Presentations by participants if requested



Dr. Susann Kabisch

Dr. Susann Kabisch holds a doctorate in philosophy and theology. She worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Hildesheim and at the Center for Ethics and Responsibility at Hochschule Bonn Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and currently works as a freelance philosopher, moderator and trainer.


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PK NRW - Qualifizierungsprogramm

Workshopplanung und -organisation

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