Überfachliches Qualifizierungsangebot

Ergänzend zu Ihrer wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit im Rahmen der Promotion bieten wir Ihnen am PK NRW zusätzliche Möglichkeiten der überfachlichen Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung. In unseren (Online-)Workshops können promovierende Mitglieder ihre persönlichen, akademischen und beruflichen Kompetenzen weiter ausbauen. Dabei werden sie von erfahrenen Trainer*innen unterstützt.

Informieren Sie sich hier über unsere Angebote.

Good Research Practice for Doctoral Researchers

This seminar is a fundamental introduction to the principles for safeguarding good scientific practice as proposed by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). It focuses on the perspectives of doctoral researchers by introducing and discussing the following topics:

  • Introduction to and definitions of Good Scientific Practice
  • Potential areas of conflict in research
  • Dishonest scientific practice, behaviour and possible consequences
  • Data preparation and documentation
  • Publishing, publications and scientific collaborations
  • Supervision and organisational culture
  • Research with human beings
  • Research with animals
  • Strategies to prevent and to deal with potential problems and conflicts.

Dr. Christian Dumpitak

Dr. Christian Dumpitak is Trainer for Higher Educational Teaching and executive coordinator of iGRAD - Interdisciplinary Graduate and Research Academy Düsseldorf -,which was founded in 2008 as a cross-curricular institution located in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF) at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. iGRAD's offers in training and development, counselling, and services provide targeted support for the qualification of young researchers and are directed at all doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, research supervisors and mentors. iGRAD offers a structured educational program that complies with current standards.


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PK NRW - Qualifizierungsprogramm

Workshopplanung und -organisation

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